April 25, 2011

Miscellaneous Monday


Channing has a cold that started as allergies. We are staying home today in hopes that she feels a little better after resting at home instead of going to school today! The cough is fierce and I would hate for her to cough in her friends faces all day long!


Easter was great! We went to church with my parents and then went to Chandler’s parents house! We ate a wonderful lunch and let the kiddos hunt Easter eggs! We got some great pictures so that will be a another post in itself this week!

Thankful for the rain lately. I am grateful that the storms haven’t been too bad for us and I am sorry for those who have had some damage from the storms. The sound of rain (not the thunder) during the night while sleeping is calming. I just hope that is is less humid this week and that it doesn’t continue going from warm to cold and so on. That is what hurts the allergies and stirs up sickness!


I am going to make Couscous Salad again… not from this recipe but the one is posted last week! YUMMY!


I had to go out to the backyard last night and ask our neighbor twice to take her dogs inside because they were barking so much and were really loud. Our dogs were not even outside so there was no reason for them to be barking. She was sitting outside just letting them bark. I hated to do it but Channing had just gone to sleep and wasn’t feeling well and the last thing I wanted was for her to be woken up from Dog barking next door or from our dogs barking because they heard our neighbors. It stopped so I assumed she took them back inside. I said please so maybe that helped.


We are hoping to get back on our running schedule this week. We took the weekend off. It all depends on how Channing is feeling later today.


Waiting on a shipment from Forever 21 this week from the order I placed last week with my gift card and I am SO EXCITED!


  1. Channings outfit is too cute for words :)

  2. Agree with Lindsay! Adorable! And I'm going to have to try the couscous salad- i just made couscous for the first time a few weeks ago and loved it!

  3. I came across your blog via The Peters Family (Emily and I are good friends). Your blog -- and family -- are too cute! I love your design and actually contacted Laura Jane to design mine.
    Anyway, happy blogging!
