October 3, 2012

A Little Bit Of Everything

OK these pictures are all mixed up because they were on my phone and blogger's app is messing up...

We went to Abilene last weekend to celebrate a very special 2 year old's birthday... 
Channing looked so cute in her green skinnies on the way to Abilene

Some of my BEST friends... 
l to r: Me, Ife, Shelby, Tami (ty's mom)

A sneak peak at Channings Big Girl room... 

I will take better pics this weekend and post!
She did GREAT sleeping in her bed but woke up this morning a little disoriented but I think she will get used to it fairly quickly! It is only a Full size bed but she looks tiny in it!

Ty helping Channing take her suitcase in his room... He let us borrow it for the weekend....

Waiting for us to check out at the Health Food Store after brunch on Saturday... SO GOOD!

My outfit yesterday... I liked how it turned out!

The little ones during brunch

On to Halloween/Fall Decor I guess...

Now back to style.... my Pinterest inspired hair

I made my first Kale Green Smoothie this morning
I used frozen peaches
frozen rasberries
two handfuls of Kale 
a little Grapefruit juice

Pumpkin Light Decor

Channing in some Halloween attire... weird angle though... her head looks really big here haha

It has been a little cooler these days and I used it as an excuse to whip out my newest scarf!

Messy Bun week I guess

Channing and Ty in the pack and play.... They were being silly!

My nails this week

Channing eating an icecream cone cupcake at Ty's party... obvi she was excited!!

silly cutie pies


I need this for Christmas
Home Alone... anyone... anyone?

OMG those faces are the sweetest


Love this one of the kiddos Friday night looking at Ty's Train cake... Tami and her mom did a great job but the kiddos had a hard time keeping their hands off hahaha!

1 comment:

  1. I pinned that same braid top knot on pintrest and I for the life of me could not do it. Super cute!!
