October 21, 2013


How did our weekend get so crazy busy? I felt run over by a truck yesterday evening but still somehow ended up staying up after everybody in my house went to bed. I think sometimes the peace of being up alone is awesome. Plus I had popcorn and ice cream for dinner so it is a win win, right?! Living the dream!!

Friday after work we all played in the front yard and enjoyed the cooler weather!

Saturday we had parent teacher conference at Channing's school. She got really great reports and is doing really well in her academics! We were so proud of how well they think she is doing! It was our first ever parent teacher conference and we were nervous. I guess mostly because you just don't know what to expect the first time.

Channing had a soccer game and did really well! She got a tad bit aggressive when she started pushing girls that weren't even near the ball! A little redirecting and we were good to go!
She also insisted on wearing her bracelets to soccer! Girly tomboy!

Rewind to Friday morning at school! It was 'Grandparents Day' and both sets of G rents came and Channing was SO proud! She did great performing and they loved it!
Breen gave her some money to buy something at the book fair after school and she choose TWO books!!

No pictures but Saturday night we went to a friends house to eat dinner with them and their 2.5 year old Matteo who is so cute! He and Channing played really well together and she was SO tired she slept until 9:30 Sunday morning.... which we all did. Got up and started lunch for Chandlers cousin and his family in town from Kansas! So good to see them!
So last night consisted on laundy and nothing else.... ZONKED! SO tired and already ready for next weekend! I NEED to work on our house... like majorly!
Anyhow... today I am at work obvi but also stepped out for a few hours to be a hair model for Davines. They did Flamboyage on me... google it!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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