September 7, 2010


Our little Channing Layne had been sick for the past few days. By these pictures you would have no clue but she has had a stuffy nose and a croupy cough. It is so hard to watch your little one be sick even though she was all smiles. Chandler joked that if she was older she would be begging to go outside and play because she didn't 'feel' sick. We have the best girl around! She sounded stuffy this morning but has had no fever at all really so we are hopeful she will be totally better soon!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. My lil' has had a cold and runny nose for about a week. Unfortunately there's nothing much to be done for a cold except lots and lots of fluids and rest! For teething though (I saw your comment on Lee La La) have you tried Hyland's homeopathic teething tablets? I swear by those and wouldn't go a day without an extra bottle in the cabinet! Your blog (and family) is adorable!
