Start off by adding your link to the bottom, so you can start getting followers right away! And then you can help promote Wobble Over Wednesday by doing some of the following: The more exposure, the more followers you will get :)
-Make a Blog post about Wobble Over Wednesday. It would be great to include the Wobble Over Wednesday Button so other people can join in too!
-Follow the host, in the #1 spot. She will follow you back! Just make sure to tell her you're following :) (You are guaranteed at least 1 follower if you are new :)
-Try to follow 2-3 people above you. It's understandable that you won't be able to follow everyone. But if you follow a few people in front of you it will ensure at least a few new followers. You can feel free to follow as many people as you'd like. Just be sure to leave a comment letting them you're following from Wobble Over Wednesday (WOW).
-If someone says they're following you, be sure to follow them back! And if you leave a comment letting someone know you're following, then be sure to add your blog link for easier access.
-Every week, a new Wobble Over Wednesday will be posted. And hopefully every week you will join in :)! The more the better. To get reminders, you can sign up for My Life with Rats and More email subscriptions.
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