Weekend before last we celebrated my Uncle Jesse's 70Th birthday! If you met him or just saw him passing on the street you would probably never guess he is 70. He is an awesome Uncle and we were so happy to be able to celebrate such a wonderful guy! Saturday night all the family (some from Germany, some from Colorado, some from cities across Texas) came to surprise my Uncle at my parents house. He had no idea we were all there much less the ones who came in from out of town or country! He walked out on the back porch and we were all there to surprise him! I think he was very touched. Sunday we all went over to my Aunt and Uncle's house for a party with all of his friends and some more family! It was so great to see everyone and to hang out and visit. We really enjoyed it! Happy birthday Uncle Jesse... this post is for you!


70 Candles!!!!

Way to go! Look at all the smoke!

Opening his gift!

Brayden giving
Channing the doll!

Nap time with Pop

Uncle Don Carlos Cousin Judah and
Channing Layne!

Loves her some noses right now!!

The WHOLE Family

Greg Amy and Scott

Me and My Baby Girl!

Silly Girl

Angel Face

Jacob and Jennifer

Sweet Face!

Heather Don Carlos Cole Chandler Kelsey
Dea and Kathy

Brother's don't shake hands... Brother's kiss??

Buster Me and
Channing wondering what is going on

Uncle Jesse and Lynda ( my MIL) My mother in law and father in law have become friends with my aunt and uncle and even live in the same neighborhood.

Papa Scott
Channing Chandler and Don Carlos

Papa Scott and
My mom (
Breen) and Cole

Mom and some party guests

Brayden Kathy and Jesse

Linda and Allen and Aunt Terri
Whew..... For those of you who made it to the end of this post... Thanks! I hope you enjoyed all the pictures!!!
What a fun family you have! Love all these photos!