This last Thursday Chandler and I went to the fair before it closed this weekend. We ate corn dogs, fried bacon, a funnel cake, and a pretzel! I washed mine down with a HUGE lemonade and Chan washed his down with a cold beer! We looked and the cars and also people watched. It really was a fun time and we were really glad we went this year!
Also, a few weeks ago we went to Ft Worth to visit our friends Brandon and Shelby because they invited us to go to the Jeff Foxworthy show with them at Bass Hall. The Show was awesome and he was really funny. I enjoyed it even more than I thought I would. When we got to Ft Worth Shelby surprised me with a bottle of wine... ALCOHOL FREE wine to enjoy while everyone had a real 'adult' drink. It was awesome and so thoughtful and made me feel included in the festivities. As many of you know I do enjoy wine and that definitely made me smile!
These are the first gifts we have received for the baby! All of the CUTE monkeys are from Chandler's mom. I am sure our little one will be running around and cuddling with one or all of these monkeys in no time. The little boots are from my brother Cody, my S.I.L. Jeannie and the cutest sweetest niece EVER Judah. Whether the baby is a boy or a girl we can for sure see them in these precious little boots! We laughed so hard when we got them in the mail because of how cute and small they are! I cant wait for our little one to sport them around!
This coming Tuesday I have a doctors appointment just for a regular check up. I will be 15 weeks along and at that appointment we are going to be able to schedule the sonogram to find out if we are having a boy or a girl!! I will post another update after the doctors appointment on Tuesday! Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers this coming week!
I really like the floors. I have always wondered why more people don't do that.