I decided something was still not quite right and while Chan was waiting for me to finish getting ready I took a pregnancy test just in case. Well, it looked like something I had never seen before; a little plus sign so faint that I called Chan in to check it out. We thought we were seeing things, so we decided to go to the closest CVS and get a few more tests, just in case, the digital ones. We got back to the lodge and I took them and we decided to walk around by the pool while we waited the longest 5 minutes of our lives. We started to head back to the room and Chan ran ahead of me to the room and looked at the tests before I did. He turned around and said 'oh man' with an excited and surprised look on his face. I ran over to them expecting them to say 'not pregnant' as they had so many times before. To my surprise they said 'PREGNANT' and we were stunned, excited, in shock and amazed. Wow, what an amazing birthday present! So, yes, after about 5 tests and a call to the Dr. we decided it was in fact true... we are having a BABY!!
Our little trip to Fredericksburg to enjoy the wineries turned into a little trip shopping and walking around and just enjoying our time. We had a ton of fun anyhow, thinking about our little one that we had prayed for! Yes, it was planned, but we were still shocked as I think anyone is the first time they find out they are expecting. We could not be more excited for this time in our lives!
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