October 27, 2009
Baby Bump Progress
A special request was made for some 'baby bump' updates and here they are! The baby sure is growing in there!!! ENJOY!!

October 21, 2009
October 20, 2009
Quick Doctor's Appointment Update...
Good Morning!
This morning we went to the doctor for a regular check-up. They did all the routine things; measured me, weighed me, and we listened to the heartbeat again. Again it was around 160 beats per minute which my doctor said is very average at this point in the development.
He said everything looked and sounded great. We have scheduled another check-up appointment for four weeks from today and we are working on scheduling our next sonogram for that same week!! That is where we will be able to see if the baby is a boy or a girl for sure!!!
I love these appointments where we get to hear the heartbeat. It just makes me smile all day long. It makes me feel so good that the baby is growing away in there! We can't wait for the next sonogram, but if the wait is anything like the last four weeks, it seems to go by very fast!
Please keep us and this little one in your prayers!
This morning we went to the doctor for a regular check-up. They did all the routine things; measured me, weighed me, and we listened to the heartbeat again. Again it was around 160 beats per minute which my doctor said is very average at this point in the development.
He said everything looked and sounded great. We have scheduled another check-up appointment for four weeks from today and we are working on scheduling our next sonogram for that same week!! That is where we will be able to see if the baby is a boy or a girl for sure!!!
I love these appointments where we get to hear the heartbeat. It just makes me smile all day long. It makes me feel so good that the baby is growing away in there! We can't wait for the next sonogram, but if the wait is anything like the last four weeks, it seems to go by very fast!
Please keep us and this little one in your prayers!
October 18, 2009
Updates and Nursery Progress
We have been busy the past two weeks starting on the nursery! Below are some pictures of the nursery floor progress. We ( meaning Tyler and Chandler) ripped up the carpet and cleaned out the spare bedroom we are converting to the nursery so we could get the concrete stained and sealed! This is what their family business is so we were excited to get some work done in our house to show off. Along with the nursery we also got the master bedroom floors done. They turned out so GREAT and we are so glad we were able to get them done.
This last Thursday Chandler and I went to the fair before it closed this weekend. We ate corn dogs, fried bacon, a funnel cake, and a pretzel! I washed mine down with a HUGE lemonade and Chan washed his down with a cold beer! We looked and the cars and also people watched. It really was a fun time and we were really glad we went this year!
Also, a few weeks ago we went to Ft Worth to visit our friends Brandon and Shelby because they invited us to go to the Jeff Foxworthy show with them at Bass Hall. The Show was awesome and he was really funny. I enjoyed it even more than I thought I would. When we got to Ft Worth Shelby surprised me with a bottle of wine... ALCOHOL FREE wine to enjoy while everyone had a real 'adult' drink. It was awesome and so thoughtful and made me feel included in the festivities. As many of you know I do enjoy wine and that definitely made me smile!

These are the first gifts we have received for the baby! All of the CUTE monkeys are from Chandler's mom. I am sure our little one will be running around and cuddling with one or all of these monkeys in no time. The little boots are from my brother Cody, my S.I.L. Jeannie and the cutest sweetest niece EVER Judah. Whether the baby is a boy or a girl we can for sure see them in these precious little boots! We laughed so hard when we got them in the mail because of how cute and small they are! I cant wait for our little one to sport them around!

This last Thursday Chandler and I went to the fair before it closed this weekend. We ate corn dogs, fried bacon, a funnel cake, and a pretzel! I washed mine down with a HUGE lemonade and Chan washed his down with a cold beer! We looked and the cars and also people watched. It really was a fun time and we were really glad we went this year!
Also, a few weeks ago we went to Ft Worth to visit our friends Brandon and Shelby because they invited us to go to the Jeff Foxworthy show with them at Bass Hall. The Show was awesome and he was really funny. I enjoyed it even more than I thought I would. When we got to Ft Worth Shelby surprised me with a bottle of wine... ALCOHOL FREE wine to enjoy while everyone had a real 'adult' drink. It was awesome and so thoughtful and made me feel included in the festivities. As many of you know I do enjoy wine and that definitely made me smile!
These are the first gifts we have received for the baby! All of the CUTE monkeys are from Chandler's mom. I am sure our little one will be running around and cuddling with one or all of these monkeys in no time. The little boots are from my brother Cody, my S.I.L. Jeannie and the cutest sweetest niece EVER Judah. Whether the baby is a boy or a girl we can for sure see them in these precious little boots! We laughed so hard when we got them in the mail because of how cute and small they are! I cant wait for our little one to sport them around!
This coming Tuesday I have a doctors appointment just for a regular check up. I will be 15 weeks along and at that appointment we are going to be able to schedule the sonogram to find out if we are having a boy or a girl!! I will post another update after the doctors appointment on Tuesday! Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers this coming week!
October 14, 2009
Gender Prediction Test
Today I am 14 Weeks along. I am still feeling GREAT!
In other news... Chan picked up a well reviewed 'Gender Prediction Test' yesterday evening and I took it this morning. They have at least an 82% accuracy rating if not more. It says you are able to take it within the first 10 weeks and I am already 14 weeks along so we are thinking the results are probably pretty accurate! If it turns dark grey to dark green it means you are having a boy... if it stays yellow or goes more towards dark yellow or orange it means you are having a girl....
Looks like we may have a 'Channing Layne' on the way. We will find out for sure in a few weeks!! Chan said he was going to have to re-work the budget to include a 'shoe allowance' for Channing! If she turns out to be anything like her mother... that's probably a good idea!!
Happy Wednesday!
In other news... Chan picked up a well reviewed 'Gender Prediction Test' yesterday evening and I took it this morning. They have at least an 82% accuracy rating if not more. It says you are able to take it within the first 10 weeks and I am already 14 weeks along so we are thinking the results are probably pretty accurate! If it turns dark grey to dark green it means you are having a boy... if it stays yellow or goes more towards dark yellow or orange it means you are having a girl....
Happy Wednesday!
Sonogram Pictures
Below are the two sonogram pictures we have had! The first one is a 5 week sonogram. We had actually gone in the week before and they did not see anything so that was a follow-up appointment; that sweet little image was so exciting and such a relief for us!
The second picture is a 7 week sonogram! Our doctor guessed how far along I was then measured and he was only off by 1 day!
Our next appointment is next Tuesday but our next sonogram isn't for a few more weeks.

The second picture is a 7 week sonogram! Our doctor guessed how far along I was then measured and he was only off by 1 day!
Our next appointment is next Tuesday but our next sonogram isn't for a few more weeks.

October 13, 2009
11 Week Appointment
On September 22 we got to hear the little heartbeat for the first time! I asked my mom and Chandler's mom to come to the appointment with me. Everything went great. They weighed me, took my blood pressure and sent me in the room right away so we could listen to the heartbeat! We heard it right away, very strong at 160 beats per minute! It was probably one of the coolest things I have ever heard. To know that our little one is growing away and has a strong healthy heartbeat was awesome! Also, to have both of our moms at the appointment with me was so special! We are still so thankful and amazed at God's work!
My next routine appointment is next Tuesday when I will be 15 weeks! Then about 3 weeks after that we get to find out if it is a boy or a girl!!! We can hardly stand the wait!! I am still feeling good and a lot more energized now.
Below are some pictures after the doctor's appointment. The shirt I put on was the shirt my dad bought for my mom when she was pregnant with Cody. I could not stop smiling for the rest of the day after hearing the 'little one'!!!

My next routine appointment is next Tuesday when I will be 15 weeks! Then about 3 weeks after that we get to find out if it is a boy or a girl!!! We can hardly stand the wait!! I am still feeling good and a lot more energized now.
Below are some pictures after the doctor's appointment. The shirt I put on was the shirt my dad bought for my mom when she was pregnant with Cody. I could not stop smiling for the rest of the day after hearing the 'little one'!!!
October 11, 2009
Some Baby Bump Progress!
Here are some pictures of the little belly's progress! It has surely been growing over the past 13 weeks!! I have been feeling great except being very tired throughout the first trimester and sometimes overly emotional! I only got sick once and really have been enjoying the pregnancy so far!
7 Weeks
October 7, 2009
Telling the Family...
That Monday after we got back from my birthday weekend, we met our families at Twisted Root Burger to celebrate my birthday with family, but really to tell them the big news. While on our trip we had picked up some wine for our dads and I made special labels the night before to reveal the big news. We decided to open my birthday gifts before dinner so we would have an excuse to give them their 'gifts' before dinner as well. We had also asked Katie Norris, our photographer, to come and catch the whole thing on camera and their reaction! She did a great job and nobody noticed she was even taking pictures, it was perfect!
As you will see below, everyone was very excited!! I will let the pictures speak for themselves!
Pictures Courtesy Of: www.KatieNorris.net

October 4, 2009
Fredericksburg. Kelsey's 26th Birthday. A BIG Suprise!
For my (Kelsey's) birthday Chan surprised my with a trip to Fredericksburg. He told me the night before to pack my bags and we headed that way Thursday July 30th after work. We got to our bed and breakfast; Angels Above the Creek Lodge and went out to walk around eat some dinner and enjoy some drinks to start my birthday trip off right. The next morning we had breakfast delivered and it was MY BIRTHDAY! Everything was great except I was not feeling that great. I thought the few drinks I had the night before somehow made me sick. It was very odd, but I started to feel better and went ahead and got ready for the day.
I decided something was still not quite right and while Chan was waiting for me to finish getting ready I took a pregnancy test just in case. Well, it looked like something I had never seen before; a little plus sign so faint that I called Chan in to check it out. We thought we were seeing things, so we decided to go to the closest CVS and get a few more tests, just in case, the digital ones. We got back to the lodge and I took them and we decided to walk around by the pool while we waited the longest 5 minutes of our lives. We started to head back to the room and Chan ran ahead of me to the room and looked at the tests before I did. He turned around and said 'oh man' with an excited and surprised look on his face. I ran over to them expecting them to say 'not pregnant' as they had so many times before. To my surprise they said 'PREGNANT' and we were stunned, excited, in shock and amazed. Wow, what an amazing birthday present! So, yes, after about 5 tests and a call to the Dr. we decided it was in fact true... we are having a BABY!!
Our little trip to Fredericksburg to enjoy the wineries turned into a little trip shopping and walking around and just enjoying our time. We had a ton of fun anyhow, thinking about our little one that we had prayed for! Yes, it was planned, but we were still shocked as I think anyone is the first time they find out they are expecting. We could not be more excited for this time in our lives!

I decided something was still not quite right and while Chan was waiting for me to finish getting ready I took a pregnancy test just in case. Well, it looked like something I had never seen before; a little plus sign so faint that I called Chan in to check it out. We thought we were seeing things, so we decided to go to the closest CVS and get a few more tests, just in case, the digital ones. We got back to the lodge and I took them and we decided to walk around by the pool while we waited the longest 5 minutes of our lives. We started to head back to the room and Chan ran ahead of me to the room and looked at the tests before I did. He turned around and said 'oh man' with an excited and surprised look on his face. I ran over to them expecting them to say 'not pregnant' as they had so many times before. To my surprise they said 'PREGNANT' and we were stunned, excited, in shock and amazed. Wow, what an amazing birthday present! So, yes, after about 5 tests and a call to the Dr. we decided it was in fact true... we are having a BABY!!
Our little trip to Fredericksburg to enjoy the wineries turned into a little trip shopping and walking around and just enjoying our time. We had a ton of fun anyhow, thinking about our little one that we had prayed for! Yes, it was planned, but we were still shocked as I think anyone is the first time they find out they are expecting. We could not be more excited for this time in our lives!
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