This last weekend we went to Denver to celebrate the marriage of my brother to my now sister in law. It was the most beautiful weekend and honestly one of the best weddings we have been to. We had a blast the whole time and it really was such a heartfelt occasion.
This was also Channings very first time to fly and she not only loved it but did amazing the whole time. She is a great traveler and was over the moon about seeing her awesome cousin Judah!
Baking cupcakes with her cousin for the kiddos at the wedding reception.
They had matching swimsuits and Channing thought that was probably the best thing EVER!
The beautiful couple!!
The reception was at a local brewery. Still very classy and beautiful and VERY VERY fun!
They even had their own 'wedding' beer!
Miss thang fell asleep for a bit at the reception. Partied a little too hard.
My brothers and I
Channing chased around their two dogs forever at the reception. Thank goodness they seem to be very sweet and patient pups.
We flew Frontier, which we will never do again, but Monday was a long day of flights for us but Channing did so well... except for the time she refused to share Cheez-Its with me and feed them to her dog.
I love love love this picture! My brother and SIL's photographer wanted to try a picture with us before he tried it with the newlyweds and this was the result! Def getting a canvas of this. I just love it!!
Again it was the best weekend. I love seeing my brother so happy and in love. I love being around my whole family together, which doesn't happen that often. I am excited to see what their new chapter holds!!
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