Thanks Amber for posting this... it is fun to answer random questions!
1. Do you like blue
cheese? Yes, usually with anything spicy like Buffalo Sauce!
2. Have you ever smoked
a cigarette? Does a clove count? I have smoked a clove but not a regular cigarette. Never wanted to. Smells terrible to me and my grandpa died of Emphysema so that's not something I was ever interested in.
3. Do you own a
gun? Chandler owns a few so maybe I own them by default?
4. What flavor do you
add to your drink at Sonic? If I get a drink at Sonic it would be a Diet Limeade. I don't drink Cokes.
5. Do you get nervous
before doctor appointments? I wouldn't say nervous I would say Anxious. My blood pressure is always high at the beginning when they check it.
6. Do you like
hot-dogs? Yes, and I prefer Hebrew Nationals.
7. What do you prefer to
drink in the morning? Coffee first and here and thre a Red Bull Zero.
8. Can you do
push-ups? Yes, a few haha.
9. What’s your favorite
meal? That's a tough one. I love Cyclone Anya's Carne Asada so we'll go with that for now.
10. What’s your favorite
piece of jewelry? My wedding ring and the necklace Chandler gave me after I had Channing.
11. Favorite
hobby? Running
12. Do you work with
people who idolize you? hahaha WHAT?!
13. Name a trait that
you hate about yourself? That I have a terrible time with pointless worry and anxiety.
14. Middle
name? Beth
15. Name 3 thoughts at
this moment: 1.) My right knee hurts 2.) I don't want to look at this expense report. 3.) Is my new bathing suit going to come in today?
16. Name 3 things you
bought yesterday: Decorations for Channing's bike for the fourth parade... Paint Supplies... that is it.
17. Name 3 drinks you
regularly drink: Water, coffee and wine.
18. Current worry right
now? Channing having anxiety about school at night and in the mornings. She IS having a great time at school and getting great reports but her anticipation of it is hard on her right now.
19. Current hate right
now? I don't think I hate anything right now except the usual... going to the bank, putting away laundry and getting gas.
20. Favorite place to
be? on vacation
How did you bring in New Years? At home.
22. Favorite place to
go? Napa or the beach
23. What is your most
recurring dream? I haven't had one in a long time but I used to have one as a kiddo but I can't remember it.
24. Introvert or
extrovert? I guess it depends on the situation but usually now, in this stage of my life, I am more of an extrovert. Thanks to being a hair dresser for years.
25. What color shirt are
you wearing? Chambray!
26. Do you like sleeping
on satin sheets? Haven't but they seem weird so no.
27. Can you
whistle? A tiny bit
29. Favorite
color? Pink
30. Would you be a
pirate? No. I prefer to have a bed and shower every day and I don't really like fish except for shell fish and I like to brush my hair.
31. What songs do you
sing in the shower? I don't sing in the shower usually.
32. Favorite girl’s
name? Channing
33. Favorite boy’s
name? Beckham
34. Who is your loudest
friend? Keridon
35. What’s in your
pocket right now? Pencil skirt without pockets
36. Last thing that made
you laugh? Probably something Channing said.
37. Bed sheets as a
child? Usually flowered
38. Worst injury you've
ever had? I fractured my arm once... shin splints that's about it.
39. Do you love where
you live? YES
40. How many TVs are in
your house? 3
41. What is your worst
habit? Right now not setting our alarm...oopsy daisy
42. How many dogs do you
have? 2
43. Does someone have a
crush on you? Hopefully Chandler still does haha.... other than that I don't think so... that's a silly question.
44. Do you own
slippers? yes, beaded moccasins.
45. What is your
favorite book? Hummmm... 'White girl problems'
46. What is your
favorite candy? M&M's
47. What is your
favorite sports team? I guess the Mavs...
48. What song do you
want played at your funeral? Nicole C. Mullins 'Redeemer' and Matt Redman '10,000 Reasons'
49. What were you doing
at 12 AM last night? Sleeping or giving Channing a sip of water and putting her in bed with us... that might have been at 12am.
50. What was the first
thing you thought of when you woke up this morning? I am STILL tired!
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