January 14, 2013

Whirlwind Weekend

We had a GREAT whirlwind weekend!
I will spill all the details when I can!
NOT preggo...
We went to meet with our realtor this werekend and even looked at some houses.
I was excited!

Kelly & Connor's 'Stock the Bar' shower was this weekend in Ft Worth and Chandler and I helped host with these sweet girls and their hubbies! Kelly is in the middle!

Been trying to cuddle my sweet girl a little more during this whole moving process. 

This morning it was SO cold. YAY! I love it!

Channy giving her Daddy some extra big hugs last night!

No normal schedule leads to falling asleep on the way to school these days. 

And in all this craziness I will leave you with one of my FAVE verses ever...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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