Wait.... how in the heck did my little girl already turn TWO! CRAZINESS!!! I have to say that she is the BIGGEST blessing and joy in our lives. Wow, I tear up thinking about how awesome it is that God chose us to be hers. She is so amazing.

I will upload pics from the actual party tonight but these are a few out of order ones from this weekend that I took with my phone. She was already into all the gifts on the way home from her party at The Little Gym!

The morning of her 2nd birthday! Cute patoot!

A Friday night playdate with Kingston!

Sunday morning opening her gifts and sporting almost 6 of them at the same time!

Sloan came to visit and we put a feather in her hair.... she didn't really like that.... so Channing kept it... it is adorable!

My mom made the best O-wee-O cake for Channing's party! No, really, they looked like two huge oreos... it was awesome.... and still was last night and will be tonight!

My official 2 year old this morning before school! WOW, what an amazing little girl!
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Happy Birthday beautiful girl!