March 31, 2012


Our new hanging flowers!

There was a petting zoo in our neighborhood !

Channing and I want a chicken now... Like Coco on Tori & Dean!

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March 29, 2012

Wet Willy


She is HILAIRE.... Now she TOTALLY gets that from ME!

Friday Eve!

But really today is me and my girls Friday! Tomorrow we get to go hang out with Channing's cousin Judah and my mom! Judah came all the way from Denver by herself to visit us! Makes us feel good!

This is how Channing was after her nap at school yesterday and her teacher sent me this pic! She said she sat like that for at least 3 minutes!

She was in such a good mood this morning... nothing sweeter than her for sure!

I was trying to be funny in the car on the way to school/work this morning.... I guess I was sucessful! YA hooo!

I got a very fun dress in the mail yesterday! I love it... it is so bright and springy.... looks red here but its more like a tangerine color! You know the 'color of the year' !

Happy Thursday!

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March 28, 2012


Found this on A Cup Of Jo blog and it was too funny... I think this is our nightly convo!

March 27, 2012

The Sweetest Girl!

Channing of course looked so cute this morning so I am posting the pic but also wanted to tell you guys that I will post the birthday pics tonight... I slacked last night and even fell asleep during Bethenny which is totally out of the ordinary... I will finish it tonight and also do the blog! We had a busy weekend! Also, Kingston's momma told me that when she dropped him off at school this morning Channing said, 'Hi Kingston... Miss me?' Ummm that is SO cute.... they sure are good friends!

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March 26, 2012

My BIG Girl!

Wait.... how in the heck did my little girl already turn TWO! CRAZINESS!!! I have to say that she is the BIGGEST blessing and joy in our lives. Wow, I tear up thinking about how awesome it is that God chose us to be hers. She is so amazing.

I will upload pics from the actual party tonight but these are a few out of order ones from this weekend that I took with my phone. She was already into all the gifts on the way home from her party at The Little Gym!

The morning of her 2nd birthday! Cute patoot!

A Friday night playdate with Kingston!

Sunday morning opening her gifts and sporting almost 6 of them at the same time!

Sloan came to visit and we put a feather in her hair.... she didn't really like that.... so Channing kept it... it is adorable!

My mom made the best O-wee-O cake for Channing's party! No, really, they looked like two huge oreos... it was awesome.... and still was last night and will be tonight!

My official 2 year old this morning before school! WOW, what an amazing little girl!
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March 23, 2012

Its Friday Friday!

Channing LOVES the Yogurt Melts! I really need to try this!

This is SO true... Happy is NOT overrated!! Its amazeballs!

VERY VERY COOL Toddler Snack Holders!

Source: via Tera on Pinterest

My Channy Lou at her Daddy's office while Grammie did a little work! She loved it!

She says 'wing me high'! Swinging at Grammies house while visiting with Great Granddad!

She was so cute saying 'Uncle Tyler wing me high'!

This morning was sort of a hoot! She didnt want to get up because she had woken up a few times during the night and then proceeded to try and get away from me every time I tried to dress her! It was sort of funny but we were in a MAJOR hurry and running late so we put her in the car with no shirt no bow and no shoes... I managed a shirt right before we pulled out of the driveway! She was VERY cute on the way to her Grammies though.... talking up a storm!

Tomorrow is her 2nd birthday! Oh man times really flies! She is the most incredible angel ever and we are thankful everyday that God gave her to us... what a BLESSING!
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March 22, 2012

Friday Eve Pics!

We kind of have a crazy week of FUN going on. Nothing about it is not fun but it has made for busy Balch's! SO, with that said, we did something we haven't done in a long time. We stopped at Houlihan's for dinner last night. Channing did GREAT and we even got complimented on how well behaved she was.... WOW that was awesome! Also, the carrot cake in a mason jar was FAB!

Me and my girl this morning getting ready! She just sat there with me and kept handing me make up... she would say make up and shake her head yes. It was one of those moments when I thought... Man I love having a little girl! Feeling so blessed with her by my side!

She fell asleep on the way to her Grammie's house this morning but right when we got there she said, 'Grammies House YAY'! She truly loves her grandparents! We truly love that they are ALL close to us!

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March 21, 2012

Random Wednesday!

Channings Great Granddad is here visiting and brought along her birthday gift from himself and other family members! It is the cutest pinkest build a bear ever! She loves it! We had Grammie Poppa Scott Uncle Tyler and Great Granddad over for dinner and had a great time! We cant wait to spend more time with everyone this week while he is visiting!

Sweet Benzy face this morning!

Sweet girl this morning looking so cute in her outfit! Can you believe that is a hand me down!?

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March 20, 2012

Smiles For A Rainy Tuesday!

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March 19, 2012

Catch Up

I will try tonight (or one night this week) to post pictures from our trip but for now here is what I got yesterday! I was SO happy to be with my Channy Lou again!

We all went to the park after a good nap!

She was such a big girl on all the slides.... where did my baby go?

A little sneak peak at what her 2nd birthday party will consist of on Saturday!

Caught her watching a little backyardigans!

The baked Ziti Chandler made for dinner last night... HOLY COW it made a ton and was very good! So, we gave some to both sets of parents and still have enough to eat tonight!

Me and my sweet girl cuddling before bed!

Happy Monday Peeps!
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