OK yesterday morning was all but a BUST in the Balch household. In short it was seriously a major meltdown sort of morning. BUT I am happy to say that yesterday evening was MUCH BETTER and our sweet girl was back. This morning was even good and it made my day start much better too! Thank goodness! BUT... for the moms out there I have a question... Can you guys reccomend any good 'night' diapers? She drinks so much and has been leaking out of diapers most nights and changing a crib sheet isn't easy... ya feel me? So any reccomendations would be awesome! Thanks!

Day 5: something I wore.... SHOES... Vera Wang for Kohls ... LOVE THEM!
I don't have a nighttime diaper rec BUT I have the best idea for crib sheets! I layer it crib sheet, crib pad, crib sheet, crib pad, on and on...so if Dean leaks through, I only have to change one crib sheet and pad. Maybe that could save you some time? It sure does for us!! Channing gets cuter by the day!!