We had Channing's 18 month dr appointment Friday! She is 22.1 lbs and 31 inches! 25th percentile in weight and height and 50 percentile in head measurement! She is smart!

Here we are smiling BIG before the nurse and dr came in!!

Playing with stickers!

All in all she did great! He thinks she is doing awesome with talking and understanding. She got two shots and cried but other than that it was a great success!

Friday night she had a fun messy dinner to celebrate being 18 months old!

Saturday morning we headed west to Abilene to celebrate Ty's birthday! We even traded Sunnies!

Then she got some beauty rest before the party!
After a great party she's pooped! We are headed back to run and get ready for the Amazing Race tonight!!! Woohooo!

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