August 17, 2011

Want S'more??

*Channing before school today... tomorrow is her LAST day in the 'INFANT' class. Makes me sad!

*Going to VEGAS in October... YAY! We have never been so please send recommendations for things that are a MUST DO!

*You should go to my Facebook and check out the video of Channing from this morning.... ADORABLE! I know I am her mom but this one is worth watching!

*THIS is all the rage right now and I WANT ONE!

*I believe this is true

*Out with the OLD

*And in with the NEW!

*HUMMM I don't know about you but this just doesnt seem right... MAYBE it seems GROSS?!

*S'more Popcorn? Yes please!!


  1. that nose thing DOES look sick- they use them in Sweden! ha. And smore popcorn? holy moly i want some NOW.Where did you get the phone case? Sawweeet!

  2. Love the video! And the phone case of course. I debated that color scheme - super cute. In the end there were too many options and I just had to pick one. Now you know I have been to Vegas about 100 times in the past couple of years so just get with me and we'll discuss. Where are you staying and are you just going for vacay?

  3. Okay, I have one of the Erin Condren planners, and I LOVE IT!!! I highly recommend getting one!
