*Loving my Channing this week... as always... just can barely do a post without a pic of her because I think shes a doll! MY DOLL!

* LOVE Barn Owl Primitives! If you havent ever seen their work you need to click on the pics to go to their ETSY shop! Seriously the coolest signs ever! My bloggy friend Little Miss Momma just happens to be hosting a fabulous giveaway from Barn Owl Primitives! BOP is generously going to give the winner a JUMBO custom sign of their choice! Awesome huh! There are several ways to get your name in the drawing so you should totally go check out LMM's blog and enter to win!

* My new running shoes. Used my groupon at Run On and once again got the same kind of shoes I ran the half and full marathon in... mainyl because I am supersticious and I dont want to switch shoes but also because they are awesome! AKA no injuries when running in them... running injuries that is... I may trip at any time :)
*Who doesn't LOVE Pinterest? Its fun and addicting and awesome. Love to pin all the things that I LOVE even the CRAZY $5000 dresses I will never buy... its fun try it! If you need an invite ask me... I will send you one... Oh and all the awesome recipes I have found on there! I am telling you... ALL the cool kids are doing it!
*Bachelor Pad espesh Melissa who got kicked off Monday. She is what I keep hearing people say: 'CRAY CRAY' aka... CRAZY!! I had to rewind Monday's episode several times to rewatch some of her craziness! Did anyone else see the abuse she gave to that poor yogurt cup? AND p.s. I own that dress she is wearing in the pic below... I also wear it much better... just saying!