June 27, 2011

Catch Up

Oh man we have been busy! Chandler was gone for ten days on a fishing trip in Canada with my dad, his dad, his brother, his uncle, and a great uncle. We missed him a lot and are so happy he is home!!

We went to the farmers market with Breen (my mom) while he was gone

Momma found some cool stuff while he was gone

Channing started using her sippy cup FULL TIME while he was gone

She hugs anything and everything now

She shared Hand Foot Mouth with me

She rides in the Tarjay carts like a BIG GIRL now

She was super sweet

And super messy :)

Watched a lot of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

SMILED and tried hummus and loved it

Made cakeballs!

Turned 15mos old and went to the doctor and got two shots and did great! 26lbs

Swam with fun family!

Ate ice cream with GREAT GRANDMOTHER!

Looked festive and bootylicious

loved on momma

wore her sunnies!

wore her hat!

fed herself some yogurt!

Then rubbed it all over

cuddled with momma in the mornings

Was SO HAPPY when dada got home

fed herself some more

Wore new pj's that say don't moose with me from dada's trip!

got ready to start the week

looking festive for the fourth all week long!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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