Channing turned 11 months old on February 24th and is fastly approaching 12 months! She is busier than ever and is all over the place. She is not too far from walking and is sprouting some top teeth these days. She is very spunky and her personality is too cute! She has really started to love school and when I dropped her off the other day she just crawled away to play with the boys. Chandler went to go pick her up and she saw him and decided to continue playing. Our baby girl is not a baby anymore. She is less interested in baby food these days and is VERY interested in what we are eating. She is obsessed with Chobani 'VERY BERRY' yogurt and would eat it at every meal if I gave it to her. She loves to drink water out of her sippy cup and Chandler and I laugh at her when she does because she is so passionate about it. Every sip is exciting to her hahaha! She says momma, dada and sometimes says 'da' when she points at the dogs. When I give her baths we work on saying duck and she has done fairly well... she is pretty good at the 'da' sound! Her eyes seem to get more blue every day and her hair is growing like a weed YAY! We are just enjoying our sweet angel girl every day and couldn't love her any more than we already do! She is perfect! For some reason I cannot find the 3 month sock monkey pic but enjoy the rest of the countdown!!!
Too cute!!!