Friday started out with this little one getting all dressed up for 'International Day' at school!
Doesn't she look SO cute! Red White & Blue all the way!!

Saturday she got ready to go to run a few errands with DaDa so Momma could get a little cleaning done uninterrupted! WOO HOO!

We did our own mother daughter pedicures!

We went to the park on a majorly windy day!

Then we got ready to do it ALL over again this morning!!
In other news... I made some more cake balls yesterday! I was testing a super secret recipe for Chandler's cousins wedding shower this coming Saturday! It worked and tasted DELISH! Channing is working on her top two teeth MAJORLY! You can see the white dots on her gums and she is a snot nosed, drooly face girl right now. Also, poor thing woke up off and on from 3 to 4:30 this morning. When I was a little less groggy at 4:30am after getting in and out of bed about twenty times I had the bright idea to give her Motrin, orajel, teething tablets and some natural teething 'juice' and the girl went back down until I needed to get her up for school! Its the go to combo for the one two punch for those pesky teeth trying to come in! Praise the Lord! I should have tried that at 3am but I was still pretty sleepy at that point!I am so excited for tonight because one of my FAVE people is coming back to TV tonight! Bethany Frankle! Bethany getting married starts tonight and I may just have to go find some Skinny Girl margaritas for the occasion since nobody wanted to accept my invite for a watch party! Looking forward to the wedding shower coming up this Saturday evening!!!- Posted using
BlogPress from my iPhone
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