We have started a tradition and on the Friday after Thanksgiving we go to 'Wintergreen Tree Farm' and cut down our own Christmas tree! Yes, 'Griswold, Christmas Vacation' style. It is so much fun! Chandler's aunt Cindy and uncle Dave told us about the tree farm and we usually meet them out there with their two girls Ellie and
Macie. This year was the last year we will do it just Chan and I. Next year we will have
Channing girl with us to help pick out the perfect tree!

One of the guys getting the tractor and hay ride ready to take everyone to the tree fields to cut down their tree.

Some of the guys shaking out one families tree. They
didn't go out to cut their own down like we did... they chose a
pre-cut one. Just not as fun!
Macie and I on the hay ride out to the field!

Chandler's Grandmother in the blue sweater and his aunt Cindy in the brown jacket!

Chandler's uncle Dave in the blue getting ready for the hay ride and his cousin Ellie in the red shirt and brown vest... Sorry Ellie; I think you turned right as I was taking the picture.

Chan and I on the ride out to the field! We look forward to this every year. It really is a lot of fun!
Taaaa Daaaa... there she is: the PERFECT tree... for this year anyway! We walked all over both fields to find this BEAUT! They are so hard to chose from once you look at so many!

Chan starting to cut down the tree!

We went straight home and started our Christmas decorating. Chan even put up outside Christmas lights this year! I will take pictures of all the Christmas decor soon, the tree looks great decorated!
I even put on Home Alone while I decorated and yesterday we watched Christmas Vacation! I love the holidays!!
How does the other cushion look on the rocker?
ReplyDeleteThey Look GREAT... i need to post a pic of that too!!! :)