CRAZY weather is apparently headed this way this evening and I plan on getting ready...
wine... food... firewood
The past few weeks have been very rough. Channing's poor little eyes were giving her such a hard time that we finally desperately called an optometrist emergency line getting her in for them to try and check her eyes. That did NOT go well. Her eyes hurt she hadn't opened them in two or more days and she was scared and nervous.
We went away with an antibiotic that did not help and then finally they called in a steroid drop that did help clear her eyes and gave her major relief!
We still have an appointment on Monday with Children's Medical Eye Clinic but are SO thankful our girl is back. It was truly sad... she couldn't function her eyes hurt so bad.
Now see below... this goofy silly fun pretty girl is BACK!!
Her first dance recital costume... be still my momma heart!
We are now waiting to see if ice-magedon happens and ruins our plans this weekend!
A little DIY wreath for our mantle...
Ill post pics of everything when it is finished... which who knows when that will be... xmas eve maybe because Thanksgiving was SO late I feel like I am behind and rushed and it is only the first week of December!
Luckily we bought some good presents on Cyber Monday because before that we had not really started!
'ABCDEFG' is backkkkk
Last weekend it was 75 and muggy so we went to the park for a bit!
The pic below is one of the first days she was able to open her eyes without pain or much sensitivity to the light.... you can tell her eyes were very weak...
Sweet baby!
My little helper... she is just SO fun to be around... she loves to help with ANYTHING I do...
Our last long training run before the half on Sunday went well last weekend. We felt great but now I am afraid that it will be cancelled and an event that big probably won't be rescheduled.
It isn't our first and we both have done fulls but I love to race and it is so disappointing to think it may be cancelled.
We cut our Christmas tree down the Friday after T Giving like we always do!!
An attempt at a family pic but unfortunately this was one of Channing's worst eye days and she spent it with her head down and covered the whole time.
My parents took Channing to Bass Pro to Santa's Workshop and she had a blast with her glasses on!
She drew him a picture and gave it to him when she met him!
Because they took her out to see Santa Chandler and I had a HH date at HG SPLY Co.
Channing's little soccer team had their party and got trophies!
This was at the beginning of the eye drama so she wore glasses the whole time.
Something about this picture is so sweet to me.. pjs and playing in the backyard...
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