March 26, 2010
March 22, 2010
Can shoes cause Braxton Hicks? & Doctor Appointment Update!

Well, lets see... I am a few days shy of being 37 weeks which is considered FULL TERM folks! YAY! I had my strep B test and let me tell you since I knew what was going to happen it wasn't as bad as it could have been. I was weighed and measured and had my blood pressure taken; all the normal stuff. We listened to Channing's heartbeat and it sounded GREAT and that was about it! I was sort of hoping to hear 'oh my goodness you have already started dilating'! But, no luck in that department. I was up most of the night with major Braxton Hicks contractions and was not very comfortable. The doctor said it could have been a sort of false labor but as long as I am not hurting and they are not closer to 5 minutes apart than I should just drink plenty of fluids and try to rest. I maybe over did it a bit yesterday so I will try to relax more!
Other than that we are doing very well. We have our bags packed and the car seat installed and ready to go just in case! We have the nursery ready for this sweet girl to get here and enjoy it. We did have a bit of a mis-hap yesterday when the snow decided to grace us with its presence, our hospital tour was cancelled and that was disappointing. At least I know where the hospital is in case of an emergency! I will post some more pictures from our maternity session probably later on today and then post a FULL TERM baby bump picture on Wednesday!!! Hey, the good thing about Channing staying put in the belly is that I get to do some planting with the husband this coming weekend just in time for spring! Hopefully we won't have anymore snow... I am tired of it!
March 19, 2010
Happy Friday!
This is a self portrait that I took this morning to say Happy Friday! I know we are so ready for the weekend with everything going on! We got our carrier/infant car seat in today and should also be getting our BOB in as well; fingers crossed! We have a lot to go through and put together tomorrow for this little girl but we couldn't be more excited! I never thought I would be so excited to be getting a stroller... my oh my how things change!

March 17, 2010
March 16, 2010
Take a look at the coolest bouncer EVER below! Thank you to the Houston cousin's for sending this special gift our way for Channing! We were so excited to find this on our porch last week and it is already set up in the living room waiting for Channing to enjoy! I love everything about it from the color to the cool features! I know this will come in so handy when our little girl arrives! THANK YOU!!

Diaper Bag

I just thought I would start posting about some awesome things we have received for Channing! This one actually is more for the MOM but I wanted to give it some attention! Ever since I saw this diaper bag I had my eyes on it! Thank you to Cindy Boyd (Chandler's Aunt) who is a direct sales rep for the company 'My Vintage Baby' I received it as a shower gift! YAY!!! Isn't it a BEAUT!? Go to her website: to check out all of the PRECIOUS little things for kiddos! Awesome quality and so fun!
Yesterday I was able to purchase our infant car seat/carrier and our stroller with the help of many generous gift cards from our showers! I am SO excited to get them very soon! They should arrive sometime next week! We feel so blessed beyond words and we can't thank everyone enough that contributed towards these exciting purchases for Channing!!! The BOB Revolution stroller has an attachment we also bought that makes it possible for our carrier to fit on it like a regular 'travel system'! We are good to go and can't wait to take Channing out on the open road now!

March 14, 2010
35/36 Week Baby Bump!
Please please don't judge me. I don't have make-up on in the pictures and it is 9:30 at night on a Sunday that I have done nothing but get things ready for Channing!
But, seriously check this thing out. I am wondering how much bigger I can get! I am feeling good but VERY tired. Not sleeping too well but that's not horrible. I think I am getting used to that!
We finished up the last of our showers yesterday and we can't say thank you enough to everyone who took part in any way. We feel so blessed and loved and more prepared than we were for Channing! Everything seems to be coming together nicely! I am going to post pictures from the showers probably tomorrow!
I go to the doctor tomorrow morning and I am wondering what he might say about me making it to my due date. I know it is hit or miss when guessing but I always like to hear what he has to say! In other news, we are ordering our BOB stroller tomorrow and infant car seat/carrier and I am SO excited!!!
Enjoy the pics below and look out for more posts tomorrow!!!
March 10, 2010
35 Weeks!
How your baby's growing:
Your baby doesn't have much room to maneuver now that he's over 18 inches long and tips the scales at 5 1/4 pounds (pick up a honeydew melon). Because it's so snug in your womb, he isn't likely to be doing somersaults anymore, but the number of times he kicks should remain about the same. His kidneys are fully developed now, and his liver can process some waste products. Most of his basic physical development is now complete — he'll spend the next few weeks putting on weight.
I will post a picture tonight of the ever growing belly...Channing is doing some serious growing!!
March 7, 2010
This weekend we were blessed to have two showers. I plan on writing more and posting pictures in a few days with updated belly pics too, but I wanted to say how THANKFUL and BLESSED we feel! We have been surrounded by so many loving and supportive people that already love Channing so much! We just wanted to give a quick thank you to everyone thus far who have blessed us in the past few weekends with love support and supplies for our baby girl!
Pictures to come!
March 5, 2010
' I wake up every morning in a panic when I mistake the wrinkles my sheets leave on my skin for stretchmarks. '
The title was from another blog I stumbled across today and that statement made me laugh so hard. I can't tell you how many times I have found myself in a silent PANIC that I have found stretchmarks somewhere where my shirt was wrinkled or the sheets were bunched up around me. Thankfully, and I am seriously knocking on wood here, but at 34 weeks I am still OK. None to be found yet, but I have not slacked on the now three lotions and oils I rub all over this belly every morning and night.
I have found also at this stage in the game I can't say things like, 'uh oh...' or gasp really loud or anything because that sends the husband into a slight panic.
I have found that I HATE weighing myself now. Although, I am very lucky and have been slowly gaining weight and not a lot at that, seeing that number for the first time ever isn't fun! I would rather not know and in the end when I am about to have the baby I can ask how much I have gained since the beginning and know what I am working with for the aftermath. :) Thankfully, up until this week I have been working out most days out of the week and my doctor says that is great and will really help in the end. We shall see about that!!!
I had my first dream where I saw Channings face the other night. I am sad that I can't remember it in detail but I do remember being really happy. Much better than the dream where I had her and nobody told me she had two noses. I was so mad at them and told them to take her to a plastic surgeon to get it removed, she was tiny after all and it probably wouldn't even leave a scar at that point. Now, that was a weird dream!
I am starting to get more and more comments like: 'when are you due.... APRIL 7Th?!! Oh, I don't know if you will make it that long!!' I am thinking, 'THAT LONG!!' that's not that far away and I am starting to freak out a little bit haha! But, because of that reason I asked my doctor what I should do if I go into labor since we have a c-section scheduled for April 7Th.
Although, still freaked out that this whole pregnancy thing will end in a REAL kid, I am starting to be less freaked out overall and more excited overall.... I can't wait to meet our little girl. I feel like I know her little personality already and I already talk to her all the time, especially when I am driving because now I don't feel like I am talking to myself! I already know she is a fan of Fergie because when she hears her on the radio or TV she moves A LOT. Coincidence that my car is named 'Flossy' after a Fergie song and Channing likes her, I think not! We are two peas in a pod!
As it gets closer and closer to Channing's big arrival I will try to post random thoughts I am thinking on here! Mostly for me to remember later and laugh at but also for you guys to laugh at. Hey, if a girl can't laugh at herself...
Happy Friday! I should be posting a 34/35 week belly shot ASAP!!
I have found also at this stage in the game I can't say things like, 'uh oh...' or gasp really loud or anything because that sends the husband into a slight panic.
I have found that I HATE weighing myself now. Although, I am very lucky and have been slowly gaining weight and not a lot at that, seeing that number for the first time ever isn't fun! I would rather not know and in the end when I am about to have the baby I can ask how much I have gained since the beginning and know what I am working with for the aftermath. :) Thankfully, up until this week I have been working out most days out of the week and my doctor says that is great and will really help in the end. We shall see about that!!!
I had my first dream where I saw Channings face the other night. I am sad that I can't remember it in detail but I do remember being really happy. Much better than the dream where I had her and nobody told me she had two noses. I was so mad at them and told them to take her to a plastic surgeon to get it removed, she was tiny after all and it probably wouldn't even leave a scar at that point. Now, that was a weird dream!
I am starting to get more and more comments like: 'when are you due.... APRIL 7Th?!! Oh, I don't know if you will make it that long!!' I am thinking, 'THAT LONG!!' that's not that far away and I am starting to freak out a little bit haha! But, because of that reason I asked my doctor what I should do if I go into labor since we have a c-section scheduled for April 7Th.
Although, still freaked out that this whole pregnancy thing will end in a REAL kid, I am starting to be less freaked out overall and more excited overall.... I can't wait to meet our little girl. I feel like I know her little personality already and I already talk to her all the time, especially when I am driving because now I don't feel like I am talking to myself! I already know she is a fan of Fergie because when she hears her on the radio or TV she moves A LOT. Coincidence that my car is named 'Flossy' after a Fergie song and Channing likes her, I think not! We are two peas in a pod!
As it gets closer and closer to Channing's big arrival I will try to post random thoughts I am thinking on here! Mostly for me to remember later and laugh at but also for you guys to laugh at. Hey, if a girl can't laugh at herself...
Happy Friday! I should be posting a 34/35 week belly shot ASAP!!
March 1, 2010
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